The "News" Is Harmony
OK already the start of a new month - the love month. For me this is also the activity as well as the prosperity kick off month. I spent most of January in the cave, healing, juicing, writing, reading, sleeping and dreaming. Now it's time to head towards Spring, in intention and in activity.
I've signed up for the full "Artist's Way" with Julian Cameron given for 12 weeks through the Open Center. I think it'll be a great way to rev up my energy. Between morning pages and "artist's dates" - new activity rises with the sun. Of course you all know there is baby Bee. She's now 2 1/2 months young and strong and joyful. I am so happy to be spending quality time with my granddaughter; we love each other unconditionally:-)
I'm back in yoga twice a week and heading out for dance class soon, salsa, as ever.
I feel as though I've had many challenges this past month, more than usual. There's the hopes for the new year pitted up against the stillness of January. Bee had a horrid cold. I've several new neighbors move in and out - for me, this imposition on my space, the noise, the moving, the unfamiliar faces and routines has taken a heavy toll on my skeletal system. I had acupunture again for the first time in two years along with a prescription for bone marrow soup! Oy! Not sure about that.
One thing I am certain of is that the WORD FOR THIS MONTH FOR ME IS HARMONY - INNER HARMONY BRINGS OUTER HARMONY. I am One with Spirit. This simple thought is helping to release the tension and mindbog that have been plaguing me.
Please tune in to the new vibration of February. Heart to Heart. Soul to Soul. Body to Soul. And share your thoughts and epiphanies as well as your harmony and laughter. Love!
At 2/23/2010 5:51 PM, beverly halliday said…
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At 2/23/2010 5:58 PM, beverly halliday said…
Still in the cave.... coyotes are howling ....... snowed in again ....
broke the spell .......
Sorting through hundreds of pieces of clothing, gifted to me (out of the blue) by my new friend Stanley, who is going out of the schmata business.
Finishing up walnut, tansy, blackberry with self heal..... hoping you are all doing well
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