Linda Cohen's Luminous Lotus Blog

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Kumari, A Living Goddess of Nepal

Moonday Feb 20th, 2012 11TH HOUR AM

I have been relying on my flower essences even more than usual…feeling the opportunities and segues for growth more palpably. Aspiring more rhythmically to take the essences…at the entrance and exit points of consciousness for certain… when first awakening and just before bed/the dream world time. Also an extra time or two a day; being very selective – off automatic pilot, as I sometimes am – working towards my goals and challenges with more focused awareness, intention. Using affirmations that ring true for me. Due diligence in journaling. Dreaming. Crazy dreaming. Reading Carlos Castaneda’s The Art of Dreaming. Trying to connect the dots? As outside so within.

Feeling challenges I face now are often repeats! that have arisen many times for healing…feeling this time to be auspicious, progressive, whole-a-fying With the Gregorian New Year as well as the more recent Chinese New Year of the Black Water Dragon…. or light air-ballooning into The Mayan Age of the Fifth Sun as yet unscribed... the natural course, the flow, is big change.

I would like to achieve a more full-bodied consciousness/experience aligned with The Golden Mean, as I have heretofore been an extremist (which has led me to many exquisite mysteries as well as gut wrenching heartaches/headaches) and only an abstainer of certain pleasures by sheer necessity. Ahhhh to feel the exquisite balance of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom…. naturally, inherently, intuitively. Perhaps NOW – this finally BE more natural time/space for me, and those of us more upper chakra-open types, who need more GROUNDING of the chakras down below.

Athena is one of the three main virgin goddesses of the Greek Pantheon, sprung from her father Zeus’ head full-grown, the pinnacle of bravery, centeredness, clear-headed and radiantly beautiful as She protected Her heroes in battle. Though, of course, Her heroes were male gods! Nonetheless, She is a Goddess and one of Her main attributes is the quality of balance within Herself.

Visiting the amazing family of Greek Goddesses, reining during the time of Patriarchal Greece (which thrived roughly from 400BC- 300AD), hundreds (if not thousands) of years after the holy visage of the Great Mother Goddess(es) (Isis, Inanna, Astarte) was eclipsed by the Indo-European storm god, is a wonderful way to learn about and view the unique and very different personalities of the One Goddess. See The Goddesses in Every Woman by Bolen for great insight into major archetypes we can all relate to and extract much learning from. One of the insights I came away with after reading this groundbreaking book, is that we may be born with one or more goddess personality types (Hera and Demeter), and in this lifetime in order to grow, we must develop the aspects of the Goddesses that we may require to be more whole. I am learning how much I now have in common with Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth, who keeps her home with impeccable hand and heart and always keeps the home fires lit and usually sweet wild flowers on the kitchen table. This was not me as a young and rather daring more Aphrodite-type. Next an obsessive Hera, Goddess of Marriage. Then on to Demeter, who longed so deeply for Her children. To Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld….and NOW wanting, “practicing”, to create the balance and understanding that will serve this time.

Tuesday New Moon in Pisces coming in….Feb 21st
So winter’s two thirds through. I have come to love the quiet and peace and non-pressured nights of the dark season. But of course, rebirth follows in springtime, but a month away. And this is how it IS with the cycles of life. The Goddess and God. Each year the God dies during this time of darkness, and the dark moon too. And then is reborn each new spring through The Goddess and Her nurturing, loving, sustaining and fructifying ways. The Earth again shall bloom in wild flowers and exquisite garden rose. The birds shall return from their southern distances and lay eggs to carry on their cycle. Everyone will have a touch of spring fever as the crocus and lavender prevail and the days stretch more lightly toward the evenings. Ahhh sweet courageous Athena…please bless me with your Golden Mean that I may carry forth my Starpath work/play on this holy terra firma. Earth….

Essences: Daytime: FES Garlic for unitive consciousness, immune health on all levels, FES Evening Primrose for rebirthing the Self; FES Range of Light Columbine to hear the voice of Holy Spirit as it applies to vocation, FES California Poppy to enhance inner light, FES Calendula for being a good listener…Gypsy Goddess Golden Goddess for Aphrodite Goldenness, FES Arnica – I broke my pinky toe and this essence helps to reunite the energy that has been “cut off”…

Nighttime: FES Sagebrush for clearing the unwanted dross of my life, Alaskan Rock Spring for renewal, Alaskan Chalice Well for Nature’s support.
Wearing a Labradorite crystal pendant to enhance the magic. Also wearing a black Jet for purification and protection and of course my Isis pendant :-)


Victory Bowsprit Columbus Circle New York City
photo by Linda Cohen


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