Linda Cohen's Luminous Lotus Blog

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Crystal Changes

Photo of Isis Alter by Linda Cohen

ps: New moon in Virgo Sunday (no sun) August 28th, inside out of Hurricane Irene’s cleansing wakes~~~

Crystal Changes

Saturn’s Day Augusto 27th, 9:55 I am She

Hurricane Irene approaches. Shut down city plus transportation for the first time ever! Just last week a Virginia earthquake (see Edgar Cayce) so very rare an East Coast event. Now it’s just me myself and Irene…and the soul-felt stillness in the ethers before a wrathful face of Mother Nature shows.

No booze for 26 days. Since Augusto 1st. First for me too. Learning temperance to more fully align with my soul-star’s intent at this pivotal juncture in The Ages. Having worked on this: (1) clearing; and (2) attachment-free intention in synergistic ways these past six months to move to a different energetic pattern, I am able to feel and act more on Thy will. I AM ISIS. ISIS I MA. I AM KALI. I am a tall-grass eating emerald green lizard wild woman who is course-correcting for balance and body/soul harmony.

The Priestess Way….xtra beauty within, without… and perceived in All
(see cherrie seed’s Saraswati Muse essence)

Reminds me of “cleansing” in the ancient Temples of Beauty and Sacrifice, having my feathers and scales removed in MU (Lemuria) and Atlantis during the dizzying incarnation process. For the new-skin-suit rejuvenation program, along with balancing left and right hemispheres of the brain, I am using meditation, flower essences, sound and light waves and currently esp into gem crystals for healing physically and emotionally, thought amplification and the enhancement of all good quality of mood and state of mind. Rekindled the old flames of amethyst (higher guidance), ruby (deep heart chakra), gold (the inner and outer bodies of alchemical transformation), copper (as it ever was, great conductor), sapphire (upper chakras), purple fluorite (amplify the higher mind) et al. As a direct result of working in Namaste Bookshop (offering amazing crystals and crystal expertise from staff) my passion for crystals is reactivated along with a time-honored use of gem elixirs. Especially drawn to the higher consciousness stones (facilitate inter-dimensional travel, dream work, deep connection to divine beings and feeling states including unconditional love, self love, inner peace, creative power (selenite, pheynacite, morganite, kunzite, scolecite, clear apophyllite, sugalite, pink calcite, honey calcite, moldavite, ocean jasper…to name names). Of course, must! continue working on lower more EarthStar, grounding chakras.

Gem elixirs are available through Pegasus, Pacific Essences, Alaskan Essences et al.

AH. There’s Lou Reed’s crooning in the background, “take a walk on the wild side.” Far as I can see, the wild side now is The Middle Way (not my natural nor genetic predisposition). I know the value of and am aware that this is my next step up the ladder toward greater all-aspect-freedom. Edges of new attitudes are cleaner, clearer, crispier…as I am more able to align with them. Healing Herb Bach Walnut flower essence for breaking links, for transitions and for psychic protection; Alaskan gem elixir Kunzite, for the divine love vibration; Pegasus Scolecite, for inner peace and spinal/chakra (shushumna) alignment; and Julia Grave’s Green Tara Essences (at Flower Power), especially lilies for grace, flow; Cherrie Seed’s Healing for Harmony essences, AdiLaxmi for flow, DhanaLaxmi for prosperity, PujaLaximi for gratitude; and occasional supportive under-the-tongue hits of FES Blackberry, for physical manifestation and Pretty Face, to foster inner and outer beauty (one’s perception thereof).

After a decidedly inward couple of years, now feeling the impetus to journey to new realms in mind, body, Spirit. Infinite gratitude to Nourhan Sharif, my Egyptian belly dance teacher, a fiery goddess of dance oriental, a life-giver, a sustainer goddess - for helping me raise my high-scorpio energy. Great joy from and to delicious grandchild Bee. Experiencing new levels of health and honesty in family and friends… while we dance through rainbow light alchemical soul-fires toward a brave new EarthStar birthing.

May Irene’s cleansing winds and sweeping waters
Usher in a brilliant new September ~~~
And may the harvest bee
Abundance for All
Good Health.

Photo of Isis Altar by Linda Cohen


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