Linda Cohen's Luminous Lotus Blog

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Summer Leaves

Photo - Gate at Dolmabahce Palace, Istanbul, Turkey 11/11

PROLOG TO SUMMER LEAVES~~~ (not a very) Sunday, October 7, 2012

Deep within the tunnel
Of Initiation…
Temptation sneers
At me.
So many times I’ve failed –
All the cave-ways look dark
And the same?
There is no burning lantern,  (where O Hermit?)
But my willing thoughts
No bats, not black widows
Either, no procession
Of the Black Madonna –
Not yet –
Only the music of my soul
Guides and also memories
Of passing through –
Other times – evanescent
Dreams, I barely recall.
And the light-cracks of the new
Hopefulness and renewed
Energy to explore
Dim lights and sounds filtering
Through these cave-cracks –
The exit must find me.
I can only dance –
Feeling my way –
While the coils the spiral
Spinal implants dissolve
From Romy’s magica…
What is real?
Beeing!  Later today.
The realist I know.  Buzz.  Buzz.

Photo: Cherry and Bee 2011


Photo: Empire State, by Linda Cohen

Thursday September 27th 7:42am    Thank Goddess.  It’s Autumn.

Dreams traveling deep

Inside like rich metallic ore courses The Mother’s veins, clearing, releasing the old

And surfacing what to be aware of ~~

Reflections of Gaia’s – Seminal stirrings

New seasons… lettings go…lingering end-summer…Central Park

Footprints covered by early palm-like leaf-falls, “Blessings!” Bee delights –

Wildly tossing handfuls of rustic tree offerings in the crisp new season airs.

Red, gold, amber, olive, Earth dust spreads jigsaw-like

As a movable carpet for curious blue jays? and cooing pigeons or city doves…

And the likes of Nature-omen-lovers like us

Wandering the mystic transitory afternoon of dappled white clouds

Towards the dimming gray day light ~~~ dusk.

Tuesday into Wednesday morning; late at night exploring youtube.   just October

After a dense day of family trials and confusing physical stress in the central column

Inspiration finds me in the “search”

Middle Eastern dance videos of watery, earthly, fiery, Spirit goddesses from Egypt, Turkey,

Israel, Queens, New York~~ hennaed hands and serpented copper breast plates, ivory throats and tidal undulations

Swearing signs of Isis, Astarte and Kali – The Great Mothers

Of All

Channeled through the timeless grace of movement, ancient gesture and gaze, swirling

Twirling, opalescent saffron silk skirts and silver-trimmed holy veils transversing twelve dimensions

Seven Gates, Seven Veils, Seven Holy Angels’ Realms…

Into an omnipresent NOW and I am lifted

Up.  Up.  Up.   I am Her.  She is my reflection and I remember

This forever-dance of birth and life and death and rebirth where I lose myself to mySelf~~

So I think, when I dance… I am alive and when I dance I am whole.. and whatever keeps me

From this dance is an illusion

I must see through to discover the unbourdaries of constant me….

Wednesday morning October 3, 2012 I wake up new.  Inspired.  Jetted.

For the images I witnessed and implanted before sleep.  I am a holy being.  I am a living goddess.

I am burning Medieval forest-green votives in the blustery wake of this new dawning,

I am listening to chants of Jai Utal and I begin using Jane Bell’s Hawaiian flower essence

Cup of Gold…”Restores trust in pleasure as a self-guidance system.  Supports you to follow

Your compass of joy and stay on track as deep evolutionary impulses guide you towards

Your life purpose.”

Remember the sacred dance as when you are dancing you forget all distractions

and fulfill The Cup

Of the Goddess, Priestess, with circle movement and ripe unspoken prayer.  Breath.  Remember!

Remember to forget


That takes you from Her and Her grace and healing ecstatic pleasure in serving the hissing rising cobra

Snaking up through you to your Kundalini - Spectrolite crystal soul star..  and beyond

Dissolving into the radiant luminescent golden OM.  I am.  You are.  OM TARA.

Om Tare TuTare Ture Svaha.  Bodisvaha.

Again, I feel hopeful and lovely, experiencing my inner cup of gold and shining far as I can BE.

It’s been nearly a week since I smoked anything (Listen to Judy Satori's KarmaKlear for "Addictions" everyday see  Maybe some very old grief is passing through as I am able to cry.  For the first time in many months.  My lungs and my heart are clearing some astral

stones I have had hidden too deep to allow their weight to touch me on any level.  I can breathe more deeply and access the well-spring of the divine within, from within.  Feels a much yearned for awakening….

Love Pleasure Beauty Ease

Offering Heart Center Melting

Fire Opal Ring

Serpent of my Nile

Dance and Spiral

And forget what is not


Be here with me


Golden Cup of Golden Light

My healing Goddess flower.

Friday, Freya’s Day. October 5, 2012 6:04 am.    I must chart these dreams, these records of change.

Today I see Romy, a spiritual healer.  Psychic surgeon.

The dream.   I am moving to a new place.  Maybe it’s in Arizona?  I live upstairs in a white stucco cube-like modern natural building.  A new clean modern, and  yet timeless, white building.  A woman who looks familiar from healing circles is living downstairs; maybe she’s the rental agent too.  She comes up to give me “the things that go with the apartment.”  She hands me a silver wine bottle opener and a bottle of dark red wine.  Some white towels.  A blue bedspread.  I want a sweet potato and fresh greens.  There are cool abstract paintings on the walls.  Simple symbols like hieroglyphics but in pastels.  She hands me more necessities, but no pot, I am aware of this and it’s okay.  Everything is clean and white.  There are no pets.  It is an artist’s place.  There are no drugs.  I am having trouble connecting with my old girlfriends from this new place and feeling a bit out on a ledge on my own.  But good. Fresh.  Excited.   I really insist that I must have some greens to eat.  It comes to mind that I have not moved in a very long time and never someplace so clean and white and “artistic”.  Soon the woman leaves the building down the stairs.

Today it’s exactly one week that I haven’t smoked anything.  I have been feeling I must change or control something in my life in order to grow.  But it’s so slow and my back hurts and my relationship with my mother is strained.   2012 has not started well for me.

Now I am implementing steps for change.  Mainly to get back to a more consistent Buddhist practice. I understand… I can find stress in every thought.  Or not.  I must teach myself to create a peaceful mind; the world outside is not obliging and old patterns are here to frighten me at every side road.  What will I fill my mind with during all this change and chaos?  The mind is a restless monkey.  Perhaps in this new white house I have dreamed of, I can nurture more peace and presence and a rosy pink open-heartedness that I long for.

So it’s morning exercises for the body, mind and Spirit.  And the powerful choice …


Reading Ishtar Rising by Robert Anton Wilson about the return of the Goddess.  Reading The untethered soul by Michael A. Singer to create a more spacious mind and playing field for life and death. Listening to the amazing Tripic Soul (google them) and Pema Chodron's "Don't Bite the Hook".

Pearly Royal jelly, moist gold and copper bee pollen, thick musky Propolis, dark wild honey from the Union Square Farmer’s Market.  Maybe the bees will save me!

Other essences I am taking:  HH Bach Holly to release anger and promote unconditional love; Alaskan Soul Support; FES Dandelion for release of bodily tension; HH Bach Gentian for faith; FES Sunflower for radiant forces of the positive ego and FES Grounding Green of all heart-green flowers!



Photo: Mother Mary's House in Ephesus, by Linda Cohen