Linda Cohen's Luminous Lotus Blog

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Earth Rainbow Waterslides & Passage Ways

EARTH RAINBOW- Waterslides & Passage Ways
1/23/16     ICE IS

Silver crystal ice floes form and reform-
Passing The Boathouse Lake

En route to another exalted exhibit, Egypt/the Middle Kingdom.

As penetrating winter has finally wound its way South to New York City,

With all Her clear cold Light impressions hitting Earth’s axis in myriad mandalas~~

Of playful shapes and Gaia-ripe, Oz-like though muted, colors galore!

Filling me with renewed energy and vitality - as I nearly trample feet first into the spread-eagle loamy tendril arms…Of the sacred Vagina Tree! 

Sign and symbol of Springtime’s redolent fertility...
But a season hence.  Whoa!  Stop!  Hazel eyes wide-

Of-wonder, I cheat a fall down the rabbit hole to encounter Big Sky Country –wide sprawling Montana-esque, Mountainous full-bodied evergreens like forest wizards!

Emerald seas~ Revelations! Of The Great North Lawn.  Holy wow!  To the ocean-blue mid-afternoon Ceiling sailing high above…with fluff cotton cloud-waves Dappling my Spirit-guided path.  Ho!  Where am I? 
Aventurine-Goddess-Green-Adventure… Reaching the museum.  Treasure of treasures, in Gotham’s splendid infinite array! My first encounter holy

Isis/Aphrodite, a 2nd Century serpent-curvy stone diva of voluminous breasts and Hathor–like solar-crowned fertility-headdress to awaken sexual cravings unto The Source!  

Pyramids, mummies, the rapture of knowing this life is but a prelude~~~

To a dazzling after-life that is ensured.  Sure as birth and dying.  Ancient Egypt

Endures –

Awe-inspiring by your infinite riches of Spirit and precious Body of ruby ripe gold-encrusted bejeweled remains.

Time-crossed visitation, nothing is lost where I emotionally bathe in your beauty, majesty, your time-spanning soul-embrace.  O my queens!  O my.  O. My.

Culture sated, I leave the stately columns of the Met to find before me^^


– crazy cuckoo-carts of Middle Eastern street vendors trapped in hilarious orange-yellow trompe l’oeil food trucks dappled in salty green hot pretzel rounds and smiley-faced red burgers, living peacefully atop a full-spectrum sorting of frozen ice-pops…
Spanning baby-blue peppermints to kissy-pink raspberry Offerings- For the proton-hungry. Urban-Adventurer. 


I have my unsalted organic almonds and organic Thompson Select seedless raisins neatly packed in a reusable sandwich Zippy safe inside my cobalt-blue Kate Spade shoulder bag, along with my Harmless Harvest Bright-peach sugar-free-bee-pollen chewing gum-

ink fair-trade coconut water.  USDA organic.  Yum yum yum.  

As I make my way to my favorite park spot, Bethesda Fountain, midway 72 Street-


I am magically encircled in the most spectacular movable feast of color imaginable

A swirling live! rainbow of Earthbound Northern Lights - topaz pinks and lavenders-

On whirling violet flames – turquoise light ribbons
With banana-yellow streamers! And

Rapturing every color wavelength in between! 

Chiron and Orion.  Pallas Athena And Uranus!!!Thrice!  Like Hermes!  I am blessed!  Eleventh Dimensionally

…at the very least.  Somehow?  I have crossed

Over into a far higher frequency awhirl with splendiferous

 Earth Rainbows~~~

From here to Eternity, I suspect.  For NOW –
May I most gratefully inter-cellularly swallow this third eye-candy with my ravenous desire-body
And passion for deLight…
My darkly hazel pupils…knowing come Spring!
These shards, ice floes, and bunny white winter storms
Shall bring me back…
To the joyful carousel, Bee and I choose-
…year after joy-riding-year…  Happy!

Racing wooden steads of every height and fashion season after joy-cycling season. Happy!


cherry I Bee

Saturday, January 02, 2016

The Other Side of Loss

The Other Side of Loss

Struggling with such determination…
I refuse to give in.  Refuse to let go.  Summer’s sweet iridescent waftings….
Of wild pink tourmaline roses I follow---
To find my childhood tree house-   are gone.
The new winter air is skeleton steel horizons.  No shadows cast!
From the wise old oak, as golden sunshine’s hidden…
Beyond bubble-gray sheets of low-lying sky.  On and on.  Betrayed.  Now?
And how will I find my way?  With no breath
Of high summer left?  I must wait –
‘Til gracious full moon nightfall… to pray the diamond stars will not forget-
To shine.  To bring me home.

(I have a sudden dream of you,
But you look different.  The only way I know
It’s you is that I am so young.  I believe I am innocent.
You are fact-checking my life-statistics, man,
Like a story you may or may not print?
Your hair is wavy black, your eyes the fairest blue,
“I love you,” I say proudly.  “We should love
Hour by hour.  Then our love will last.”
Still you are gone.  When I open my eyes.)
The great stone angel at Bethesda Fountain is naked,
But for the territorial pigeons, and the compassionate gaze
She shares with us no matter the holograph-season.  New Year’s tourists chirp in Italian
French, Spanish… where silent cameras feign to capture The Present –
Which is against The Law!  Of Nature.  Why must this (New Year’s) day disturb
My soulful resolutions?  For happiness, joy and laughter?
Be gone! You hungry ghosts!  Be gone! You New Age stealers!

When a startling rush of amber-gold leaves, among the last to let go…
Dance their jig-saw tumble-way to Earth.  Each one-
Bringing a fortune cookie’s worth of yummy hidden treasure…
Surround me, demanding with their glorious rushes my full attention!
To tickle my fancy where once again I feel so presently grateful
For this extra day the Goddess gives.  Just for appreciation –
Just for the warm body under my skins to enjoy!

So your mama told me you were determined to stay up til midnight -
To straddle the old and new, to see exactly what it is like to defy gravity!
I understand you did, bright child, and said, “It’s just the same!”
I’m so thrilled you are here to reveal the secrets of youth –
Which we may all possess if we’re willing to play
With time and rainbows and visiting unicorns… and sleep
With friendly green dragons.  Just like you do.
Your very own cherry.  1/sweet/16