Linda Cohen's Luminous Lotus Blog

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Just an Ordinary Day for a Pink Princess Growing Up in the Big Apple

June 25, 2014 the Central Park Zoo, Pop’s (Grandpa Cohen) Annual Outdoor Event

This unbelievably adorable and joyful Pink Princess, Bee Montana Kanew, floats and bobs and dances and prances and twirls and spins off her daddies shoulder flips…Well, for Bee, this is just another day in the sweet funny yet disciplined and demanding Light-Day in the 365 spins we call an Earth day.  For every “treat” Bee receives, bee it Cheddar Bunnies or one more song from daddy, or an extra ride on the carousel with cher, or an airplane fight to the fair isle of Nantucket, or the butterflies which sing to her or the scent of apple blossom and lilac wafting upwards from a greening Central Park 12 stories below her fantasy bedroom overlooking The Park, or her purrfectly icing-rife- cupcakes she makes with Tiss (KC)….Bee delivers!  Whether it’s learning a difficult concept with words and/or numbers, beeing a total prima donna of style at 4 ½  (earlier!) or always seeing the glass full and fizzling purple pop over her bell-like laughter..... or those dimples she magically flashes to bring you into her ever-loving chakra-spinning singing and dancing up-for-anything world of a pre-five-year-old going on eternal….getting herself into one of the most established (Ethical Culture) schools in The City, pulling herself arm over determined arm to finish a really difficult “run” on the lateral monkey bars all by herself, swim class EVERY week with daddy, or being the perfect combination of wisdom, Jo, and fun, Ev!
This angel-child is a super duper winner -
Whose family is delighted upon delighted to give her all the good things that bring health and magic ever to Her.