Thought Vs. Will and Affirmations
Greetings! Today, I am starting another 30 day round of the "Abundance From the Garden Affirmation Plan" - and am having immediate experiences of Lakshmi abundance! I am doing my affirmations along with zinnia, tansy, gold, pyrite, northern lights and star ruby. I want to share an insight that I believe is affecting my experience. I recently read an essay by Rudolph Steiner in which he explains the difference between "thoughts" and "will." He says that "thoughts" are associated with our "nerves," whereas "will" is associated with our "blood." He also says that true imagination begins in the will - not in thought. As I do my affirmations with the essences, I am "doing" them - rather than "thinking" them - from a place of deep will. I am literally imagining myself IN the abundance of each affirmation - a much more powerful experience than merely thinking and saying the words. Today's example is: "I step into the Garden. I open my being - knowing that I am supported in the Garden. In the Garden, I am whole. I see my whole self reflected in all life - I AM FLOW." Instead of thinking the words, I am IN that garden dancing around in flow! A subtle yet profound shift that I wanted to share. I thank Rudolph Steiner for the always illuminating guidance! As well as the wisdom of the flowers and our own Flower Faery Linda!! Hope you are all being blessed by Lakshmi!