Linda Cohen's Luminous Lotus Blog

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Spirals & StarStreams

Ochun Alter Photo by Linda Cohen

Spirals & StarStreams~~~
June 8th Wednesday, final Goddess Circle of this season, Ochun: Orisia Goddess of Love, Pleasure, Sensuality, Fertility, Beloved by many, from her early African origin through the Diaspora which brought Ochun far and wide: to the Caribbean, especially Cuba, for whom she is the patron saint, to Haiti, Brazil, and all over the globe.

A magikal time of mystery and manifestation, high energy output=high energy return. The train comes on time as I pass my monthly metrocard through the turnstile, the B train, Sexy Secrets has the negligee that I want in my size! (rare), men offer their prized subway seats to middle age ladies, even girls in a packed A train in the 87 degree rush-hour haze. We’re smushed against each other’s sweat and still we are smiling, like a traditional Cuban son band waiting to play, we’ve got heart and we can share it, really. We are helping one another. Maybe, we feel, if we’ve made it this far, as in are still here on the Mother planet, there is an inner risk-taker, a positive sharing attitude, a protective golden field of light and life around us. Let’s have fun as best we can BE CAUSE who knows. Anything?

Yoga at DBGym with Tim is always a challenge and a hot handsome hilarious hoot of a contortionist’s dream but I am thinking of quitting this August 1…time for something new yoga-wise. JivaMukti? Pure? Kundalini? Dragon? But before I leave DB gym, I want to perfect, as in do an unassisted handstand against the what once had been the 23rd street YMCA second floor yoga studio wall. I did it once so far. This long-time vision. What a feeling of will and determination and strength overcoming fear. Very exciting, hand-standing on my own, after two maybe three years of teacher assists. The hand stand rocks. Met Cherie Seed at Flower Power at 1pm ( I love her Laxmi essences and other energy products which Lata may carry in the future; they just have to work out the details of Divine Intervention. Cherie is now working in India where she lives (she is Australian) making her sacred goddess medicines. I literally bought a 22K Laxmi pendent (reverse side Laxmi yantra) and chain off her neck, practically as she was about to leave to return to India, healthy-looking body. What a gift. I love this golden pendant I wear next to my silver Isis. OM ISIS the flow, the flower…And the flow. Meeting X and other new friends ;-) helps me realize the power of the healingforharmony essences and my own power. I am more able to step back before knee jerk reactions and reframe the scene. It’s fun and creative. My affirmations, journaling, spiritual practice and the tv show Men of a Certain Age help me. A SIGN: I hardly ever lose anything but I lost my red peace scarf about a month ago and I did let it go however it upset me. This unlike me carelessness. Then today, more than four weeks later, finding my peace scarf in a locker in the gym…like carrie finding her carrie necklace in S and the C, I felt. Readying for OCHUN celebration tonight! The 95 degree afternoon with Bee (while wild horrid shootings were blasting up, gang-style, kids at Brighton Beach) to her new art and music class. Fun!

Life is good again now. May the good health of my family prevail. May WE be kind to others and take the moments for exchange, meeting eye to eye with neighbors and friends and new friends too. May we be the shimmering love lights we are here to be…glowing, golden white pink lavender sparkling human astral peace candles….incandescent cosmic mother seeds.

Essences added: FES Sticky Monkeyflower for fear of intimacy; extra Rock Water and Pine, HHBach, barrels full of FES Sacred Heart and Dalton’s Werewolf Root essence.




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