Star Streams & Spirals
Photo by Linda Cohen
StarStreams & Spirals ~~~~
June 7, 2011, 7:40 am Morning Pages…
Everything’s looking so much brighter. Neater? Jimmy Cliff’s, “I can see clearly now….” echoes from Bee’s cherry red iPod. Feeling an ultra violet sense of peace.
I had a Brazilian full frontal waxing with a small triangle landing strip (the only sign of civilization remaining); the curly black tuft of pyramid marks the f spot. The jewels are beyond, so to speak, or perhaps within, or revealed from drawing the astral curtain behind said strip. Strip being an operative word. OUCH. Per a new guy I’m dating…. a “close shave” was Mr. X’s undemanding request. I should have known from being a Sex and the City devote/junkie….that the quality upkeep and maintenance of pubic hair is big IMPORTANT business and according to my Polish vajayjay-waxer Marta, from the land of densely thick blue bee’s wax, I am clueless as to the 2011 rites re: this sacred area. Kundalini serpents coiling. OK Game on! Wow it hurts, but nothing like an upper lip electrolysis torture session. So, piece of vanilla chiffon cupcake, yoni-pie, fresh-moan lawn romantic aromatic. I’m not used to the way it feels or looks…but if “it” makes sex better. Duh! Or DaDa. Or Yankee Doodle. Or Dali! Onwards to the current goddess’ offerings…. of revelations of the pomegranate mysteries, dakini-languaged- treasures, possibly available to the worthy male initiate in an astral bay window of time.. Wish-fulfilling gem. Swirls of raspberry cream, peppermint dream, smoothies on the hottest near-summer day. Tennessee Williams' South Carolina heavy vaporous gardenia airs.
I’m getting out on my silver blue steed-bike, Blue Tara, more. Central Park is blazingly beautiful and earth-fragrant in the early mornings, like a sweet moist blooming and beckoning pink lotus vajayjay. It’s the swelling blooms of lilac and the dripping dense purple wisteria vines, this year, that are so utterly perfuming the park’s ozone-rich emerald ethers, while the big silent trees are bursting with life-force prana. Morning time the park’s rich palate of greens, golds and pear blossom whites are the most dense and oxygenating in the city ( the river is good too). No cars allowed! It’s runners, bikers, strollers, amblers, ramblers, the lifeless looking homeless still asleep in the nooks and stone tunnels of the park that are regulars. Here, Mama Nature and her myriad sparkling creatures – before the day too fills with sunfire and the naked city streets are thick with gaseous yawning sputtering cars grabbing for the lights. It can get too tight.
Meeting cherie seed of at Flower Power at 1, après yoga. She’s just in from India for a couple of days. I feel her Laxmi essences helped facilitate a major shift in my reactionary patterns and super-sized my creative focus and flow! And being able to be more inclusive in my thinking, holistic, less constricted and judgmental. When I start judging myself I take a hit of Dr. Bach’s Pine. When there is flow….there is spiraling energy infinite! such that, if we are open, many new possibilities present themselves and we are more able to see them and choose the directions, actions, venues, thought –patterns, summer colors, playful third-eye bindis which further our Starpath views and Starpath views of others - to benefit All. Not so much time wasted in conflict and indecision. More trust in my intuition gives me greater confidence and self-acceptance. I believe this is to be a powerful meeting of shamans and that some good exchanges and ideas will be born today at Flower Power.
I believe in all the good unfolding now, the soul-cross-connections, the hyper in-syncs, inter-dimensional heavenly bodies co-joining and morphing. June 2011, with its 3 lunar eclipses, and the radiant orgone energy of life/sex opening wide its arms to rejoice the fountaining of Guru Rinpoch’s rainbow lights spraying our mucked-up carburetors clean, both loosening and firming our iron-man stiff joints, physically and emotionally. And if you happen to be a dancer WOW….feeling the red, orange, yellow, tourmaline pink-green heart space, light incandescent throat chakra radiating blue, indigo third eye and white/violet of our whirling Dervish crown ……chakras open from our long-stretching roots deep into Mother Earth - to our spindles of consciousness hip hopping the heavens, the Buddha fields….there’s a lot going on NOW with a deep sigh breath from the mouth. I have prayed, long and deep. And I have let it all go. Prayed more fervently and imagine how it could be. I’ve story-boarded, taken my essences faithfully and ritualistically, invoked the goddess and called often on Ganesh, Lord of Obsticles. I have taken bigger risks while still staying true to myself. I’m not testing so many people in my own mind any more = not testing myself. Let it be. Don’t force. Take a good seat and watch the magik show. Be the magik show. Be grateful for the magik show.
I feel the merits of my concentrated good works and am so grateful to Spirit and all the loving powers that be. O yes! There is so much more of me that needs greater disciplining, and I can accept that. And allowing myself to move more energetically and spiritually (inside too) – to a new level of freedom, flow and emotional flexibility. I am flowing, free-flowing, flowering with lotus love intentions and big klinky brass bracelets Ochun loves, burning yellow candles, watering and ingesting sunflowers.
Major essences of the moment: Himalayan Lily, Blueberry Pollen, Gold, Chia from Gypsy Goddess, (loving) FES Blazing Star, BLACKBERRY, MANZANITA, Pretty Face, Flourish Sacred Heart spray, Grace, Medugorje Mallow (Julia Graves) for Grace, and David Dalton’s Werewolf Root essence for radical change.
We are all here NOW.
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