Linda Cohen's Luminous Lotus Blog

Friday, June 24, 2011

Freya's Day (Goddess Sabbath)

Dali Sculpture Photo by Linda Cohen

Freya’s Day (Goddess Sabbath) June 10, 2011 7:11 am

I’m cracking, wide open and to skeletal crystal iridescent -ivory smithereens, where ancient, hurtful, unloving patters release. A body to soul roller coaster. A chakra cyclone. A longed-for blessing. X and I had a date for last night, to top off a near one hundred degree day in the Big Apple. Threats of heavy rain, hail and thunder storms and even wild inner city tornados ominously lay over the city and surroundings. I emailed X to say we’d be best to take a rain/thunder/lightening/hail/tornado check. I felt good about this more balanced me who three years ago, or there about, I would have considered the stormy weather a test from Holy Spirit to see if X could make it in alive from Long Island to see me, dine me, sex me. Forget that. No more tests :-)

And everyone does what she/he wants to do, no guilt tripping. Pine essence is good for self-acceptance and freeing from feelings of guilt. Progress.

Things at Namaste are moving wonderfully well. I love the spiritual emporium, and love working there. I feel appreciated for my expertise in flower essence therapy. I am cultivating many new synchronistic and fascinating connections. The energy is very high. Everyone loves this store; it’s just right. Also a fantastic resource for crystals, crystal jewelry, amazing psychic/healing/meditation wands….so much! Moldavite bath salts. Imperial topaz “chips” for fifty cents. Television crystal to better read beneath the surface and all manner of Healing Herb Bach and FES flower essences. Heavenly music. And everywhere the faces of the gods and goddesses and Buddha in astounding forms.

Feeling so naturally the flow, the grace, the guts to stretch my lizard skins beyond their former fit. More energy. More clear space in my mind. More REAL work, inner and outer, greater manifestation through greater clarity and Ganesha’s divine protection. OM. OM I AM ONE. OM I AM HOME~~~

Where to take the Goddess Circles next season? Mystery. Ritual. Feeling our connection more and more BEING HER. Where I am challenged, hesitant, lack confidence, unsure….now pondering, “What would SHE do? Isis? Laxmi:? Quan Yin? Freya? Ochun? The Marys?

Creating higher ideals to live by “amid the garbage and the flowers.” The cosmos is spiraling from the sacred flower of life at its center, continually nurtured by Goddess energy, earth loving, compassionate, flowing, peaceful, in Grace the flower(s) bloom.

Expanding my essence taking, adding more River Goddess from healingforharmony, more DhanaLaxmi for sustaining, lots and lots of lilies....heavy Sacred Heart

Amid the Garbage and the Flowers
Photo by Linda Cohen


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